The Boundless School, a charity, works with Ontario teens who have not be able to cope with mainstream school for a variety of reasons. We are located in the tiny town of Palmer Rapids, Ontario (Renfrew County, Eastern Ontario), and enjoy a 600-acre wilderness “classroom” that sees kids get their mojos back and become superheroes in their own fascinating ways. Our music program (if you could call it that) is rather impoverished, really starting up only in February 2017.
Notwithstanding, it is being pioneered by a passionate teacher and a group of budding musicians who simply couldn’t resist the chance to participate in this competition. We understand we probably cannot compete with the more well-honed music programs out there. We know that in real life, David does not often slay Goliath.
But we submit this offering in any event, with love and respect; and especially with a sense of adventure, for that is what our school, and its infant music program, is all about. For more information about the Canadian Music Class Challenge please visit:
CBC Canadian Music Class Challenge,CBC Music Class,Music Class Challenge,music education,cover,music,music class,Hang Ups,Scott Helman,