
How Enlightened People REALLY Manifest (The SECRETS of 'The Autobiography of a Yogi')

How Enlightened People REALLY Manifest (The SECRETS of 'The Autobiography of a Yogi') This is EXACTLY How Enlightened People Manifest as from the book The Autobiography of a Yogi. Click here for a limited time to get the ALL ACCESS PASS NOW! ➡

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This video I'm going to show you how enlightened people manifest and everything I've learned from reading the book autobiography of a Yogi. It talks about some of the magical things that Paramahansa Yogananda the author experienced around other enlightened masters.

I'm going to show you exactly how they did it and how you can begin to manifest from that higher vibrational level of consciousness also. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be showing you the principles that enlightened people use to manifest.

Now let me first off say that when people get to a certain, to a level of man of enlightenment, the necessity to manifest greatly diminishes because they're so at peace in that one with everything that needing to manifest things in their life won't add to their level of happiness because they already feel that level of happiness.

And if you look at anything that you desire as well, maybe something you desire, maybe it's to have a certain relationship, to have more money, to have a certain level of health or uh, or um, some material that maybe a certain type of car, whatever it is, the reason you want it is because of how it will make you feel, how it will make you feel.

Even if you want something cause you think it'll make you feel a higher level of status, you will then give yourself permission at a higher level of status to then feel a certain way. So when we talk about enlightenment, understand that these people that can do magical things, things we wouldn't even believe are possible, they are able to do it because they're at such a high level of vibration. And because they realize a certain truth about reality that I'm going to share with you that these things happen easier than ever.

Now to illustrate this point as well, imagine it. Many people walk around with very cluttered minds. People walk around with very cluttered vibrations. They're like, Oh, I want this, but I also want this. But I also believe this, and because their energy is going in three different directions, it's hard for them to actually get in, dial in on that one thing, whatever that is that they want.

There's mixed vibration there. Well with when it comes to enlightenment, these people, these enlightened people that we would, uh, that could do magical things with. I'll share some of those from the book autobiography of a Yogi. They're so clear on their thoughts because they're not even having thoughts when they think something is such a singular point of focus that it's so infused into reality that it just happens.

So imagine we're walking around like, Oh, look at the pool. Look at this, look at that. Look at this, look at that. I want this. Well, it's like so many mixed vibration, but they're just so con, so calm, so present to the moment that when they do have a thought, it's like boom. Whereas normally when many different people have thoughts, like so many different, so many different energies going around.

So a lot of this has to do with having a clear mind, having a clear, having clear thoughts, observing the thoughts, not letting so many thoughts get cluttered up with having so many mixed vibrations in there as well. Now let me share with you some of the things that in the book autobiography of a Yogi you can read.

Which is a very powerful book that I highly recommend by Paramahansa Yogananda and in it Paramahansa Yogananda talks about his life, his life going and meeting different enlightened gurus and even his own guru could do pretty magical things and what that taught him and what he learned through the process.

Basically by the end of that book, you can feel whether it resonates or not or whether it's something that you believe is true, not something you can tell it wasn't. It's authentic. I'll just say that and the, the one thing that you'll really understand after reading that book, and I'm seeing the different things that Yogananda went through, is that magic magic is real.

Magic is a way reality works. When we let go of our Western mind of everything has to be logically understood...

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Music released by Argofox
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