
Marni Places Omar's anti-Israel Tweet on Synagogue Parking Lot Cars

Marni Places Omar's anti-Israel Tweet on Synagogue Parking Lot Cars This video was taken in the fall of 2018 at Beth El synagogue where a Democrat candidate forum was taking place. Four liberal Twin Cities organizations sponsored the program and invited then State Rep. Ilhan Elmi (Omar) to sit on the panel. I knew that there would not be a peep about her vile anti-Israel tweet and blatant Jew hate during the panel discussion. So, I printed out copies of that tweet and placed them on cars during the program. You should have seen the expressions on peoples faces when they read the tweet!

And, the local news station showed the tweet and read it aloud during their recap of the event!!! The synagogue and the other sponsors were very unhappy with me because I was trying to warn the Jewish community about Elmi's rabid Jew and Israel hate. Tragically, the Liberal Jewish community leaders still support Elmi to this day, despite her hatred of Jews. Go's #Jewicide. Tragic and this won't end well.


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