
MP Ladakh criticizing his own party Minister over lack of communication facilities in remote Ladakh

MP Ladakh criticizing his own party Minister over lack of communication facilities in remote Ladakh MP JTN strongly demands for Digitization of UT Ladakh

New Delhi, 4th Dec; There are more than 350 villages/hamlets in the Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China and Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan which have remained deprived of mobile facility. These areas in Leh and Kargil districts have not been provided mobile facility till date because none of the private telecom operators and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) found it appropriate to install towers in these areas due to high operational cost and less returns.

The issue was repeatedly raised by the Member of Parliament from Ladakh Parliamentary seat in the Lok Sabha and submitted numbers of representations to the Union Ministry of Communication but every time only The sitting Member of Parliament Jamyang Tsering Namgyal had also raised the issue in the Lok Sabha in the month of July this year also and submitted numbers of representations to the Union Ministry of Communication resulted the announcement by the Ministry of Communication that 125 mobile towers in Ladakh region (72 in Kargil and 53 in Leh) would be installed under Universal Service Obligation Fund for providing mobile connectivity to 350 uncovered villages and hamlets, border and other priority areas.

While raising the Matters of Urgent Public Importance raised during Zero Hour in Parliament Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal says, “It is a well-known fact that there are around 350 villages/hamlets in the Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency which have remained deprived of mobile facility because none of the private telecom operators and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) found it appropriate to install towers in these areas due to high operational cost and less returns. Most of these areas in Leh and Kargil districts are remote and far-flung situated along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China and Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan which are unconnected either with Telephone or with internet Services which causes lots of problems for basic communication for medical assistant, disaster like avalanche, heavy snow fall etc. Further failure of 344 Numbers of DSPTs erstwhile functioning in the Villages, Hamlets, Army Posts, and Medical Centers Ladakh caused completely disconnected the areas and now we are very worried about the coming harsh winter as we had sufficient bad experiences in the pasts. Minus 24.8 temperature is going on these days in Drass like areas of Ladakh. Under this circumstances people of Ladakh can’t imagine of how to live the live”.

Hence MP from Ladakh appeal the Government to please sanction sufficient Mobile Towers for all the uncovered areas for long run and also request for installation of satellite phone immediately in place of the already existing DSPTs which are lying defunct since last few months in Ladakh.

Lok Sabha Speaker issued on spot direction to the Minister of Communication to redress the issues immediately.


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