
New series!?||Who wants to join?|| (Character designers read desc.) #OkurimonoImjusthereseries

New series!?||Who wants to join?|| (Character designers read desc.) #OkurimonoImjusthereseries Here it is. The plot and the first round of positions for people. If you are a good tweener please wait for it insyead of jumping for a role now. Same with the ones that haven't been mentioned.
Also people creating the character parts and designs please do not use the actual gacha options. Just use the parts as a base and try to be as accurate to the original designs as possible. Also forgot to saw if you were to get the role you would just do all the characters once with the sides profiles, back and front. Once you have done that you won't need to do anything else.
Forgot to mention with that role there is a sub role where you just make background characters.

If possible please share this video.

Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed the video! :D

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Im Just Here

Im Just Here


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