
Quaternary Geology and Criteria for defining boundary

Quaternary Geology and Criteria for defining boundary Hi dear friends welcome to this my you tube channel GeoEntire... | This video is on Quaternary Geology and Criteria for defining boundary | This is very interesting video I In this video I have explained Quaternary period and criteria for defining boundary in detailed manner so kindly watch the video thoroughly...

#QuaternaryGeology #QuaternaryPeriod #PliocenePleistoceneboundary
This video gives answer to:

1. What do you mean by Quaternary Period?

2. Why Quaternary Period is important?

3. What is Criteria for defining boundary?

4. What is Pliocene - Pleistocene boundary?

5. What is Pleistocene - Holocene Boundary?

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Quaternary Geology,Quaternary Period,Quaternary Geology and Criteria for defining boundary,Criteria for defining boundary,Tertiary period,Cenozoic era,Pliocene,Pleistocene,Quaternary Boundary,Glaciation,Climatic cooling,Evolutionary changes in the marine organism,Evolutionary changes land-dwelling vertebrates,Hominid Evolution,Hominid Cultural Evolution,Palaeomagnetic Changes,Criteria for defining Pleistocene - Holocene Boundary,GeoEntire,Bhagwan Ghute,

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