
Spotting a Phishing email - nine examples - A real phishing email is shown by Chris Menard

Spotting a Phishing email - nine examples - A real phishing email is shown by Chris Menard Here are nine examples of spotting a phishing email. A phishing email is an attempt to get sensitive or confidential information from you. A phishing email could appear to be from your bank warning you of fraudulent activity and they want you to sign in to your account immediately. In my example, the phishing email is from what appears to be my credit card company offering me a free gift.

Nine ways to spot a phishing email:
00:45 The name of the company does not have the correct spacing. Capital One is not the same as CapitalOne (notice it is missing the space).
01:05 The name is not correct. In my example, I get emails from Capital One, but the phishing email reads CapitalOne Reward.
01:25 My name is not mentioned in the email.
01:57 The logo is missing or not correct in the phishing email.
02:25 The from address does not contain the company name. Example: an email from Microsoft should contain in the address.
02:37 The disclose information is missing in a phishing email.
03:15 Mouse over the body of the email and see what the URL is in the bottom left of your email.
04:15 The address bar has a suspicious url.
04:22 Urgent request. I need to order today or my account has fraudulent activity and I need to sign in immediately.
05:00 Credit card or sensitive information is requested. In my example, there want to ship me a free product, but I need to pay for the shipping.

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