
I Lost My Memory And Was Shocked When I Found Who I am

I Lost My Memory And Was Shocked When I Found Who I am I Lost My Memory And Got Shocked When I Found Who I'm

❀ Thank you for your constant support and engagement! We have received many stories and are working on animating them!

❀ A PROFESSIONAL Voice Actor will record your story! We do everything to keep your identity private, unless you wish differently!

Hi, my name’s Olivia, and I want to tell you about the most tragic thing that ever happened in my life, which actually ended up as a change for the best.
My story starts in a hospital when I was lying on a bed with my eyes closed. At that point, I didn’t even know I was in hospital, but I was lying there and could hear someone saying ‘Olivia… Olivia…’ So I opened my eyes and the room was filled with bright light. I was dazzled, and I totally didn’t know what was going on, and then as the room came into focus, I saw this guy leaning towards me and trying to kiss me!
I screamed my head off and the guy jumped back. I got a good look at him then and saw that he was attractive. He was wearing fashionable clothes and had a really cool hairstyle, but still, I didn’t want some strange guy kissing me, even if he was hot.
The guy grabbed my hand and said ‘Olivia, it’s me, Justin’, but I totally didn’t know who he was and so I started screaming again.
Just then, someone came running into the room. It was a woman wearing a clean white coat, and after a moment I realised she was a doctor. She came to the bed and told me the most shocking news.
‘Olivia, you’ve been in a car accident and have lost your memory. You hit your head. How are you feeling?’ The doctor kept asking me questions, but my head was spinning from her revelation. She told me that the hot guy what actually my boyfriend. I just couldn’t believe it because I didn’t recognise him at all, and even when he showed me some photographs of us together, I didn’t want him to kiss me. It was too weird.
The doctor told me that it was hard to say if I’d get my memory back or not. I was really upset, and I started crying when some more people came into the room because I didn’t know who they were. They were looking at me and I knew they must be familiar to me, but I just didn’t have a clue who the heck they were.
The doctor told me that the people were my family. There was a man with a kind face, a woman with red eyes like she’d been crying, and a little girl who didn’t look very pleased to be there. I searched my mind but couldn’t remember them at all.
A few days later, my memory had started to come back a little, and I remembered who my family were. While my memory was still poor, I didn’t have any other injuries, so I was allowed to go home. If I thought that the car accident was bad, it was nothing compared to what happened next.
Once I got home and memories started coming back to me, it was then that I found out who I really was. It wasn’t long before I discovered that, actually, I wasn’t a good person at all!
I checked my social media accounts and went through some of the recent texts I’d sent to my friends, and I was shocked at what I discovered. I was a bully! Going through my messages, all I found were mean things. There was a message from a girl in my class called Clara, who was a bit overweight in her profile picture. She’d sent me a message asking if I could help her promote a charity event for the animal rescue centre she volunteered at. Her message said ‘I know we aren’t really good friends, but you’re so popular that if you go to the event, lots of other people will come too. I really want to help the animals and support the charity.’
When I read the message, I felt sure that I would’ve agreed to her request, because I really like cute animals. But instead, when I read my reply, I burst into tears. I’d been so horrid! My reply said ‘No thanks Clara, that sounds like the perfect event for boring, ugly people like you, but cool, beautiful people like me would never go to a dumb charity event! Hahaha.’

lost my memory,memory,hospital,shocked,problems,my story animated,stories,animation,short film,story,life story,story time,storytime,

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