
Pompeo aiming to improve Russia relations during Sochi meeting

Pompeo aiming to improve Russia relations during Sochi meeting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday in the sunny Black Sea resort of Sochi that they were prepared to improve relations and find areas of mutual cooperation.  Lavrov told the top US diplomat — who also will hold talks with President Vladimir Putin — that it was time for Moscow and Washington to put aside years of mistrust and find a way to work together, according to Reuters.  Ties between the two countries have eroded amid allegations — denied by Moscow — that Russia tried to influence the results of the 2016 presidential election, and by differences over Venezuela, Iran, Syria and Ukraine.  “We see that there are suspicions and prejudices,” Lavrov told Pompeo. “This hinders both your security and our security and causes concern around the world. We think it is time to build a new and more constructive matrix for our relations.”  He added: “We are ready to do that if our US colleagues are ready to reciprocate. … Let’s try, and see what happens.”  Lavrov said the strained ties “not only hinder our security but also cause worry to the entire international community,” adding that Moscow is willing to work with Washington on several issues, including the fight against terrorism and regional conflicts.  Pompeo said he came to Russia because President Trump is “committed to improve this relationship.”  “We have differences — each country will protect its own interests and look after its own people — but it’s not that we have to be adversaries on every issue,” he said.  He said an improved relationship — damaged by Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, its interference in the US elections and US sanctions against Russia — “will be good not only for our two countries but for the whole world as well.”  According to the Kremlin, Putin will be discussing arms control, Iran, Syria, the crisis in Venezuela and North Korea’s nuclear program.  Before hosting Pompeo, Putin is expected to visit a military facility in the south that manufactures some of Russia’s most modern fighter jets.  Asked whether it was deliberately timed to coincide with Pompeo’s visit, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov insisted it was a routine visit and not a “message” to anyone.  Pompeo is the highest-ranking US official to see the Russian president since last July, when Trump met Putin in Helsinki.  At the time, Trump stunned the US political establishment by appearing to accept Putin’s statement at face value that he did not meddle in the US election — contrary to US intelligence assessments.  With Post wires

News,diplomacy,mike pompeo,russia,sergey lavrov,vladimir putin,

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