
Sugar planet ”Dulcia” (literally a giant cookie in space🍪 with an atmosphere) concept art...again

Sugar planet ”Dulcia” (literally a giant cookie in space🍪 with an atmosphere) concept art...again Make sure you subscribe to the channel if you like this video.
Feel free to share any thoughts you have on this concept art any of the other concept art posted in the comments below.

Ok, you may be puzzled why Dulcia is a giant cookie with an atmosphere, gravity, two rings, and alien life.

Answer: don't ask.

You also might be thinking if this project will be a reality.

Answer: until I'm able to recruit members and legally publish this. I'm still a one-man team.

Just be patient.

Software used:
IbisPaint X

Game engine used for prototype:

Dulcia = Dulcis/Latin for candy 🍭


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