
Caregivers Stories: Loretta Veney, author of Being My Mom's Mom, shares her story

Caregivers Stories: Loretta Veney, author of Being My Mom's Mom, shares her story #caregiversstories #thatkimberly
Kimberly D. Scott, a former Video Girl, and now Podcast Practitioner interviews Loretta Veney, trainer, motivational speaker and author of Being My Mom's Mom.

Does the idea of your mother not being able to care of herself as she grows old worries you? We all have that fear, and at the back of our minds, we’d always hope for our parents to remain healthy for the rest of their lives. But that’s not always the case, because with aging comes frailty.

In this interview, you will have a glimpse of Loretta’s caregiving journey. Her mother was 77 years old when she was diagnosed with dementia. Just like anyone who had this disease, it all started with the little things like missing on activities and forgetting the usual routines. She shared that her mother would never miss her Tai Chi class for anything, but there was this time when she did. Loretta shared that at first it seemed odd and it could’ve been one of the most significant signs, but they just let it slip. When things started pilling up, that’s when they decided to have her checked with her general practitioner, and that’s when they found out that she had early-onset dementia.

For the last four years, Loretta has been speaking about dementia and caregiving all throughout the United States in hopes of sharing her journey and the lessons she learned so others could be more prepared for this diagnosis.

Listen to the rest of the interview, for these two ladies will surely give you vital information that could help you and anybody become more knowledgeable about this cognitive disease.
Learn more about Loretta:


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