
Text Context Pretext 1

Text   Context   Pretext  1 Honest Bible interpetation will take into account that the Word of God has been written in human language. Human language always requieres interpetation, even in everyday situations. We actually interpret language quite naturally recognizing for example real and symbolic language. Nobody who ´pulls somebody´s leg´ actually grabs a leg and pulls on it. We also very naturally recognize that identical sentences can mean very different things, if they are pronounced in different contexts. For example, the statement: "We will talk about this tonight´, may, depending the context, be a simple anouncement or a threat or a promise. When it comes to the Bible, we must pay attention to the different contexts there are in order to avoid creating unbiblical pretexts ...

Bible Interpretation,text,context,pretext,human language,real language,literal meaninig,symbolic meaning,

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