
Simple || LIVE JAM 63

Simple || LIVE JAM 63 This is a quite simple patch with no real structure. It features my custom bass patch on the minilogue which I'm really proud of :D
I also use plonk, blck_noir and graphic VCO

I have some issues with tuning graphic VCOs for a week, I don't really know how the calibrate function works I'll have to investigate that!

I borrowed a phone to take two angles of the videos, it makes some parts a little less boring :P

jam,live,music,DAW,eurorack modular,modular synth,hybrid,synthesizer,setup,home studio,dawless,erica synths,VCO,VCF,LFO,intellijel,minilogue,korg,nerdseq,xor,xor electronics,novation,sl mk3,yamaha,HS7,

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