
Darpa N3 Project: Will We Pilot Drones Through The Brain?

Darpa N3 Project: Will We Pilot Drones Through The Brain? There are a lot of advances in technology that are a bit hard to think about when you're told them. So join us as we explore DARPA and the N3 Project.
9. What is the N3 Project?
With a name like the "N3" project, you're likely thinking of some big kind of weapon, or some sci-fi project that will drastically change the human race. Well, it's kind of both, but here is the official description from DARPA themselves:
" The Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) program aims to develop high-performance, bi-directional brain-machine interfaces for able-bodied service members. Such interfaces would be enabling technology for diverse national security applications such as control of unmanned aerial vehicles and active cyber defense systems or teaming with computer systems to successfully multitask during complex military missions."
Now before you say something like, "OH MY GOSH! THEY'RE MAKING THE MATRIX!" Calm down. First and foremost, the "nonsurgical" part of the phrase is key here, because unlike The Matrix movies where the humans had to be implanted with devices to all them to be "plugged in", the intent with this project will be to do the whole procedure without the need for surgery at all.
" Whereas the most effective, state-of-the-art neural interfaces require surgery to implant electrodes into the brain, N3 technology would not require surgery and would be man-portable, thus making the technology accessible to a far wider population of potential users. Noninvasive neurotechnologies such as the electroencephalogram and transcranial direct current stimulation already exist, but do not offer the precision, signal resolution, and portability required for advanced applications by people working in real-world settings."
So as you can see, they're REALLY going deep into the sci-fi world here, but not The Matrix. It's actually more akin to Cerebro from the X-Men, where Charles Xavier was able to use a special room and a helmet in order to cast his mind everywhere he needed to be. So now imagine that, but with you being able to control a singular object or fight a cyber attack. That's pretty impressive.
8. The Goals of the N3 Project
As we outlined, the N3 Project has the goal of putting man and machine together in a non-evasive way to help guide things like UAVs and other drones, as well as to help with cyber security and attacks. But is that all the project will aim for? No, likely not. Though by their own admission this is the immediate goal of the project:
“If N3 is successful, we’ll end up with wearable neural interface systems that can communicate with the brain from a range of just a few millimeters, moving neurotechnology beyond the clinic and into practical use for national security,” Emondi said. “Just as service members put on protective and tactical gear in preparation for a mission, in the future they might put on a headset containing a neural interface, use the technology however it’s needed, then put the tool aside when the mission is complete.”
Still, let's look beyond the projects immediate goals of weapons control and cyber defense and see what it could be put to use on in other ways.
For example, imagine being able to guide a satellite, being able to use its cameras and notice things that even a computer couldn't because of your human brain and its natural insights and instincts. That's actually part of the reason that DARPA and the military want this technology to control drones, because the creativity of a human mind can work beyond a computer in some cases.
And that's still only working with the very base of what this project can do. How about we do something more...medical?
7. Nanotec Surgeries
Humanity right now in its pursuit of better medicine is at a bit of a standstill. There are many diseases right now that cannot be cured or even remedied slightly, and with health care as it is right now, not everyone can afford the treatment that they need in order to get well. So now imagine that with the N3 Project, we're able to do more via a new kind of technology that is in the works right now: Nano-Technology.
You've all seen the sci-fi shows I'm sure. The ones where tiny robots are born and bred to do things that humanity can't do on a certain level. Including enter the human body and repair things on their own. The problem is that the technology needed to do that with things that small doesn't technically exist just yet. However, with the N3 Project, we may be able to do a sideways path to success. because instead of using programming or an AI in order to guide the nanotec machines to where they need to go, we can instead guide them with our minds.
The interface would allow for fast reactions, creative workarounds, and via the use of cameras, unprecedented access to various parts of the human body. This singular use could potentially help many lives, especially if we're able to use the nanotec machines to do things like bad cells..

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