
N. Korea says it will tear down S. Korean facilities at Mount Geumgang if Seoul doesn't do so

N. Korea says it will tear down S. Korean facilities at Mount Geumgang if Seoul doesn't do so 北 "금강산, 남북 공유물 아냐... 일방적 철거 최후통첩"

Another big announcement from North Korea this morning.
The North says it has sent a final notice to South Korea... that it will demolish Seoul's facilities at the Mount Geumgang resort if South Korea doesn't do so itself.
This was the regime's response to Seoul's suggestion last week... that it send a team to first take stock of the situation.
Arirang's Unification Ministry correspondent Oh Jung-hee reports.
An ultimatum from North Korea.
Pyeongyang's state-run Korean Central News Agency says... the regime sent a final notice to South Korea this Monday... that it will go ahead and unilaterally tear down South Korean facilities at the Mount Geumgang resort if Seoul doesn't do it.
The North says South Korea doesn't seem to understand its demand... and keeps on mentioning other options like a "creative approach," "working-level talks" and an "investigation team visit to the North."
The regime accused Seoul of ignoring its facilities for the past ten years and only now trying to take action.
It stressed there's no room for South Korea in regards to tours to Mount Geumgang... and that the mountain is not something shared by the two sides.
The North reiterated that the regime will take responsibility and develop the Mount Geumgang area as an international tourist destination.
On Friday, the South Korean government confirmed that it received such a notice from the North early this week.
"On November 11th, the North once again claimed that the two sides discuss the removal of South Korean facilities through written exchanges, saying it's the last warning."

The North didn't clearly state the deadline for Seoul to come and remove its buildings.
Seoul still believes the issue of the Mount Geumgang tours should be talked about by the two sides... and called on the North to respond to Seoul's stance.
"We are discussing the matter with the firms that ran businesses at the tourist resort. In finding a solution to this, our basic stance is that we have to protect South Korean firms' property rights... and things have to be mutually agreed by the two sides."
The government didn't reveal when it will send a reply to the North's notice.
It says it will make additional announcements once there's some progress in their exchanges.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

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