
5 HARSH Signs Of Spiritual Awakening [RAPID FIRE RECAP]

5 HARSH Signs Of Spiritual Awakening [RAPID FIRE RECAP] 5 HARSH Signs Of Spiritual Awakening [RAPID FIRE RECAP]

Is your Spiritual Awakening kicking your ass? Not sure how to navigate it?

Maybe you just want to hide in a corner until it all blows over. Maybe you’re ready to toss everything out and start fresh. Maybe, you’re overwhelmed and triggered by every little thing.

The good news is that it’s totally normal. There are many spiritual awakening signs, these can be emotional, mental, physical & psychological… and yeah, some of them suuuuck.

The bad news is that there’s no way around them. They’re a necessary, though unpleasant, part of the process. BUT the even better news is that there are ways to get through it and navigate those dark times like a badass and that’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about in this RAPID FIRE RECAP video.

Watch this video to discover:

You've Been Living Someone Else's Life? 2:32
You've Been Taught Lies! 2:46
You Want To Purge Your Life? 3:10
Small Talk Makes My Brain Hurt! 3:43
How Do I Get Out Of The Anxiety, Depression & Isolation? 4:10

TL;DR SMASH the 5 signs like this: 4:47

Link to Spiritual Awakening Like A Boss playlist

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