
Am I in the Right Church? - Profile of the True Pastor

Am I in the Right Church? - Profile of the True Pastor People thoughtlessly believe and follow any person, male or female, that accord themselves the title 'pastor', regardless of their usually proud and boastful attitude in all ignorance of the truth of God. Many atrocities are performed by these unsanctified men and women, bringing the way of truth into disrepute as the Scriptures warned will happen.

Are believers expected to be complicit in this matter and just let the charlatans run with their game while sending many unsuspecting souls to hell? Does the Cross and suffering of Christ not mean enough for us to fight for the honour of His glorious Name? Does the love of God in our hearts not compel us to at least try to snatch others out of the fire of hell?

Most so-called servants of God in this age are self-appointed, serving Satan just for the selfish purpose of enriching themselves, gaining followers for themselves or simply binding people up for the devil!


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