Hey, so I know on my recent video I decided that I was going on a hiatus because of a heartbreak, but I've decided not to. Here's why: I do this every time I feel sad. Everytime I'm hurt I quit because I feel I'm not good enough, and I realize that the more I do that, the more I get used to it. And I feel like when I do that, I'm not only letting myself down, I'm letting you guys down as well. I'll also explain the situation: Me and my ex Reiny Day did not formally break up. On my birthday, he suddenly stopped talking to me after he said he was going to post the gift he made for me. It's been 2-3 weeks and he hasn't talked, and he deleted his Instagram, and hasn't replied to me on YouTube or on Discord as well. I've decided that the relationship will end because we can't continue like this. Not talking isn't a relationship at all. But I'm worried about him and I hope he's okay wherever he is, and I want him to know that I love him dearly, and if he's reading this, then, please find a way to DM me and at least let me know you're safe ❤️ Anyway, onto the other reason I'm not going on a hiatus: I can't stop working anyway. When I don't have something to do, I remember all of the bad things that are going on in my life right now and I get sad, and I'm tired of that. So if working can take the sadness off of my mind, then I'm completely fine with that as a whole. And lastly, I just wanna apologize to you guys for letting you down yet again. Everytime I say I'm gonna take a break, you guys fully support me and tell me how much you love me and wish the best for me, only for me to come back in a day or two and not take a break at all. So, I'm sorry, and thanks to you all for being such wonderful people. I'm glad I could be apart of this community, even if there is a toxic and bad side to it, the good always outweighs the bad. I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️